Thursday, February 7, 2013


We are about three days into the independent novel study, and I have finally bought the book. I started reading it and I had expected the start to be a bit boring, but I actually found it quite interesting. The language was not as hard and old-fashioned as I had feared, and I like that Findley uses short sentences when he writes. I think it makes the texts more exciting and easier to understand.

I also like the descriptions of characters and animals in the book. They are simple and not too obvious or revealing, but they still give you a good picture of the person or animal. The setting is also well described in short, but very appropriate descriptions. A good atmosphere is created, and it feels like you know how the situation is affecting the characters.

Some questions I have in mind are mostly about the time and perspective the book is written in. Sometimes it refers to the main character as "I", but sometimes it just refers to "you" doing things and asking things. I also think the entire novel is a story told about something that happened in the past, but some times there comes a description of something happening in the present. This sometimes confuses me.

1 comment:

  1. The imagery in this book must make it more pleasant to read
